Stories In The Beginning Conception of the Baptist Conception of Jesus Joseph's vision Mary visits Elizabeth Birth of the Baptist Birth of Jesus Jesus circumcised and redeemed Visit of the Magi Home Childhood of Jesus Jesus learning in the temple John begins his ministry Jesus baptized Temptation The first disciples Wedding at Cana Nicodemus Disciples baptize Woman at the well John arrested Heals centurion's son Jesus calls disciples A long day Tour of Galilee Heals a paralytic Calls a tax collector Festival of weeks Jesus heals a lame man The twelve Great discourse Raises widow's son Question from the Baptist Jesus called Ruler of demons Proof requested Teaching from a boat Still the storm Cast out Legion Healing power Rejected at home Sending out of the twelve Death of the Baptist Feeds the Jews Walk on water Bread Heals woman's daughter Feeds the Gentiles Request for a sign Jesus restores sight Peter's confession Transfiguration Authority in the kingdom Ten lepers Fire from heaven Judean mission begins Mary and Martha Festival of booths Woman caught in adultery Judean mission continues Heals blind man Lazarus returned Jesus blesses the children Jesus leaves for Jerusalem On the road to Jericho Bartimaeus Zaccheus Jesus anointed Jesus proclaimed king Cleansing of the temple Fig tree withered Religious leaders confront Jesus Jesus confronts religious leaders Apocalypse Preperation for Passover Passover Garden prayer Jesus arrested Annas questions Jesus Caiaphas questions Jesus Judas acts First trial before Pilate Antipas questions Jesus Second trial before Pilate Procession to crucifixion Jesus crucified Satan tempts Jesus Darkness and death Body placed in the tomb Guard the tomb Appearances at the empty tomb Emmaus First appearance to the Apostles The Christ appears for Thomas Appearance in Galilee The Christ departs in glory The Christ appears to Stephen The Christ appears to Saul Jesus appears to Paul The Lord appears to Paul The Son of Man returns