
God’s Work, Our Hands

October 9, 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We are grateful for the ways you support our ministries. You continue to give financially by handing in your offerings and giving electronically. THANK YOU for your faithful commitment to God’s unfolding mission among us!

Our annual stewardship response materials are enclosed. You will find Ebenezer’s annual Time & Talent Survey and an Estimate of Giving card. With other members of your family, please prayerfully complete the Time & Talent survey and consider your Estimate of Giving response for the coming year. Please plan on dropping off or mailing the surveys and giving estimates by Sunday, November 6th.

Ministry in a time like this depends on all of us. Our time, our energy, and our money. We recognize that not all of you are able to give what you could in the past. You are facing uncertain financial futures. Some can maintain their giving, while others may be able to do more. If you are financially capable of increasing your gift, know that it helps not only our ministry but those who are not as able right now. Every gift, of any and every size has an impact, and we thank you for them!

Our gifts of time, talent and financial support enable our church to continue helping in our local community through programs like Community Supper, Ebenezer’s vibrant preschool program, quilts to local shelters, and our support of the Lake Stevens Community Food Bank. In addition, we provide a facility to support community programs. We also reach out to support the less fortunate around the globe. Our congregation faithfully supports Lutheran World Relief projects.

With the gifts God has provided us, it is only natural that we should share a portion out of gratitude. The Time & Talent survey enables us to identify people’s preferences to ensure tasks are of interest to those involved. Completing the survey does not commit you to service but helps identify your interests.

If you have not provided an estimate of giving in the past, start small and increase your giving as you are able. We find personal growth as we give and increase our giving over time. The estimates of giving will be used to determine our budget for 2023. Always remember, we give as we are able and in response to God’s gifts to us.

Experience the joy of giving as we respond to God’s call to live as faithful stewards. May God richly bless us all in our continuing ministry.

Your Partners in Ministry, Ebenezer Stewardship Committee